A list of all Bloons TD 6 upgrade paths for towers (chimps), ranked from best to worst. We combined votes from 22 players to create this list. Each base tower has 3 paths to choose from when upgrading. Here we can see the final stages of each path, ranked against each other. Use this list to help prioritize which paths to target for your tower upgrades.
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MOAB Domination, Bloon Exclusion Zone, Super Glue, Permanent Brew, Carpet of Spikes, Spirit of the Forest, Pop and Awe, Sky Shredder, Pirate Lord, Pre-Emptive Strike, Cripple MOAB, Avatar of Wrath, Grandmaster Ninja, Prince of Darkness
The Anti-Bloon, Giganotosaurus, The Tack Zone, Super Mines, The Bloon Solver, Legend of the Night, Pouākai, Glue Storm, Grand Saboteur, M.A.D, Icicle Impale, Wizard Lord Phoenix, Carrier Flagship, Energizer, Sub Commander, Comanche Commander, Archmage, Super Brittle, Master Bomber, Apache Prime, Special Poperations, The Biggest One, Ultraboost
True Sun God, Primary Expertise, Elite Defender, Perma Charge, Tsar Bomba, Elite Sniper, Flying Fortress, Blooncineration, Total Transformation, Banana Central, Megalodon, Absolute Zero, MOAB Eliminator, Bloon Crush, Homeland Defense, Inferno Ring, Ray of Doom, Superstorm, Trade Empire
Sentry Paragon, Super Maelstrom, XXXL Trap, Monkey Wall Street, Ultra-Juggernaut, Glaive Lord, Crossbow Master, Bloon Master Alchemist, Bomb Blitz, Plasma Monkey Fan Club, Monkey-Nomics