A list of all Common Attack cards from Slay the Spire, ranked from best to worst. We combined votes from 48 players to create this list. Common attack cards are usually needed in every successful Slay the Spire run. They all deal damage, but some are better than others. This list can be a helpful resource for deciding which common attack cards to go for, and which to skip.
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Cut Through Fate
Dagger Throw, Pommel Strike, Empty Fist, Ball Lightning, Cold Snap, Headbutt, Flurry of Blows, Compile Driver
Go for the Eyes, Sweeping Beam, Beam Cell, Rebound, Anger, Sneaky Strike, Crush Joints, Poisoned Stab, Body Slam, Consecrate
Bowling Bash, Flying Knee, Dagger Spray, Twin Strike, Sword Boomerang, Sucker Punch, Heavy Blade, Clothesline, Sash Whip, Cleave, Slice, Follow-Up, Streamline, Barrage, Quick Slash
Just Lucky, Thunderclap, Perfected Strike, Bane, Claw, Iron Wave, Wild Strike
Flying Sleeves, Clash