A list of all Silent cards from Slay the Spire, ranked from best to worst. We combined votes from 54 players to create this list. When deciding which cards to add to your deck it's useful to understand their general power level. As you play The Silent, this list can be a helpful resource for learning and improving your card-drafting skills.
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Alchemize, Well-Laid Plans, Adrenaline
Wraith Form, Malaise, After Image, Catalyst, Acrobatics, Piercing Wail, Terror, Calculated Gamble, Footwork, Corpse Explosion, Backflip, Tactician, Glass Knife, Burst, Blade Dance
Die Die Die, Leg Sweep, Nightmare, Tools of the Trade, Backstab, Dagger Throw, Bouncing Flask, Noxious Fumes, Crippling Cloud, Escape Plan, Phantasmal Killer, Predator, Eviscerate, Dash, Reflex
Blur, Accuracy, All-Out Attack, Poisoned Stab, Sneaky Strike, Prepared, Deadly Poison, Bullet Time, Dagger Spray, Deflect, Endless Agony, Doppelganger, Cloak and Dagger, Flying Knee
Finisher, Slice, Dodge and Roll, Envenom, A Thousand Cuts, Concentrate, Caltrops, Sucker Punch, Skewer, Storm of Steel, Unload, Masterful Stab, Flechettes, Expertise, Quick Slash, Bane, Infinite Blades, Outmaneuver, Setup, Grand Finale, Choke
Riddle with Holes, Heel Hook, Distraction